Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lenten Series #27: Without Words

I have nothing to say today.  Very weird, ! know.  I have been extremely busy with preparation for our spring break trip while still preparing  for events this week on campus, and meeting with students who are of concern. Maybe tomorrow i will have something fresh to share, but tonight i find myself with out words.  My days have been long, my  rest has been short, but i am indeed grateful for what God has and continues to bless me with. 

I  want to say one thing though... I do pray for many friends who are in the midst of standing before boards seeking ordination, and/or jobs for post graduation. As I told recently told one of my past roommates: 
I pray that God moves on your behalf.  I pray that you continue being courageous, honest,  and dynamic in only the ways that you can. I pray that the Almighty  guides your thoughts and the thoughts of those who you will stand before. And finally, I pray that when it is all said and done that no matter what you continue knowing that you are called, and knowing Who has already called you!

Peace, Love, and Prosperity, 

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