Sunday, March 15, 2009

Call to Action

Today, I was blessed to attend to different churches, one Central UMC, where a classmate, Ann Lister, was preaching, and Ebenezer Baptist where civil rights activist Joseph Lowery was the guest preacher. Two powerful sermons, both calling us to action.

Ann, spoke about the fact that healing is available now,"Time for Healing is Now" for our community and if we humble ourselves, pray, seek gods face, and turn form our wicked ways. She connected the generational prophetic music of Marvin Gaye and TI. Saying that TI represents a new generation that is dealing the same problems of the past. But there is hope cause God is ready to heal using 2 Chronc. 7: 14 as her focal scriptural point. one point that stood out to me was her saying praise without an encounter with God isn't praise, just noise. We must get rid of the noise. she challenged us, the church, to let go our our e.g.o.s, ("Easing God Out"). she cried out that the TI's, Chris Browns, Rihanna's of this world, need to hear a prophetic word and experience of prophetic change from the church.

Rev. Lowery came from Revelation 21 speaking of the new heaven and the earth, which is to come, but is taking place now on earth. God is doing a new thing. I guess if you would title his message, it would have been "In the Joy of New beginnings" He challenged us to be more informed (read and read more), and that we must deal with poverty through acknowledgment and also challenging the legislatures.

So what is my action plan:

1. check my ego, and begin to re-align myself to God's will because i need healing and i want to be part of the healing of our nation.

2. be more informed. i have hundred of books in my library that i need to read :) so if you are reading this, share with me a website that you find useful for information. i am always online and need to be more informed on the world, so what is your favorite website (it doesn't matter site it is i really just want to know, well as long a not a prono site, lol)

so post your comment below :)

1 comment:

Annette said...

I agree with Rev Lowery. But reading and action needs to go hand in-hand. There is so much that needs to be done in the community and it cannot be done hiding behind the church walls. Additionally, we have to become ever so careful in this 'technological way of communication as it is not drawing people together face-to-face.'